展商登记 立即报名


Polar Instruments(China)Ltd

展位号: B15

Polar Instruments (Asia Pacific) Pte Ltd 成立于 1999 年,是英国根西岛 Polar Instruments Ltd 旗下的全资子公司,专门为当时新兴的亚太地区客户及潜在客户提供销售、营销及售后支持
此外,Polar Asia Pac 也通过设于新加坡、中国华东地区的上海、中国华南地区的珠海、印度班加罗尔、日本川崎及中国台湾台北的自有认证服务中心,以及设于韩国首尔合作伙伴办事处的授权服务中心,为客户提供维修、校正及现场常年维护保养合同。
产品包括CITS880s, Si8000m, Si9000e, Speedstack, ATLAS, Huwin ACVS等阻抗和耗损测试仪器和软件。

Polar Instruments (Asia Pacific) Pte Ltd was established in 1999, as a wholly owned subsidiary of Polar Instruments Ltd, Guernsey, UK to provide sales, marketing and after sales support to customers and prospects in the then emerging Asia Pacific region.
Polar Asia Pacific also provides repair, calibration, on-site annual maintenance contract from our own certified service centres located in Singapore, Shanghai (East China), Zhuhai (South China), Bangalore (India), Taipei (Taiwan China) and our authorised service centres located at our partners offices in Seoul (South Korea) & Tokyo (Japan).
Products include CITS880s, Si8000m, Si9000e, Speedstack, ATLAS, Huwin ACVS and other impedance and loss testing instruments and software.

